Computer Magic • The End of Time

I was introduced to someone over the weekend who, it turned out, was a musician. We started off in the usual manner—”What do you play?” “Do you play out much?” “Do you have anything recorded?”—and we eventually came to the part where I ask about the name of the musical entity so that I might follow up at a later point to hear some sweet, sweet tunes. Turns out, he just records under his name.

Which I totally never got. One of the BEST PARTS about playing music, aside from the enjoyment that comes from creating the actual music and getting up on stage and performing it and looking all awesome, is naming your band. Maybe I’m more alone on this than I think. Maybe it’s born of the somewhat easy-to-play-off-of last name and resulting heavy, heavy weight of countless farmer jokes I labored under as a child (“No, I do not live in the dell, stop asking, Richard Lipschitz”). Maybe I’m overly fascinated with the prospect of controlling—to some extent—the perception your audience has of you; of branding and packaging yourself in a deliberate, pre-mediatated way. Or maybe it’s just hella fun to come up with an enormous list of band names, most of which will never be used.

This week’s featured artist, Danielle ‘Danz’ Johnson, totes gets what I’m saying. Not only does she operate under am assumed moniker personally, she also records and performs under the name Computer Magic. Though her live shows pull in some supporting musicians, the recorded songs have mostly been solo endeavors of dizzying bedroom electronic architecture. The band name tips you off to the initial sound and comparisons—simple, catchy electro-pop along the lines of Little Boots—Danz’s sound is consistently enticing, interesting and built on solid song-writing. Some of her writing and style actually totally reminds of early Liz Phair.
And she’s only been at it since last winter.
We couldn’t help but follow up our lack of weekend Apocalypse with her track, “The End of Time,” but we STRONGLY encourage you to go over to her site to download the rest of the EP that song comes from, Spectronic, which she’s posted for free. She’s also just released her first hard-copy piece, Electronic Fences, which you can on white vinyl buy over at Insound. The band will be opening for All Tiny Creatures at the Mercury Lounge June 5.