I know little to nothing about the band, Magic Man. They seem to be from Boston, though there’s a good bit on their bandcamp page about recording in the French countryside, so I guess they’re fancy Boston. And, though the name is singular, there appear to be two primary Magic Men, if you will—Sam Lee + Alex Caplow. But despite our severe lack of knowledge on the subject of Magic Man, we’ve got the one insight needed to write up a band on our Music Mondays—we really like their music. Indisputable fact. Prove me wrong.

See if you do too—check out their Song of the Week, “Darling,” and then head over to their bandcamp page to listen to their debut album, Real Life Color, or download it for free. That’s right, FREE! You know those French Bostonites. So giving. “Mon chére, I want you to have this album. It is, how you say, wicked awesome.”