Is there public radio version for the term alma mater? If there is, we’d readily apply that to New York’s WNYC, our previous aural house of knowledge and virtual collegiate environment, usually kept on throughout the day in our Brooklyn studio.

Moving to Los Angeles also brought a move to our new home city’s most prevalent public radio station, KCRW, and, for the most part, we haven’t looked back…though we do miss Brian Lehrers‘ yearly April Fool’s joke new story and Leonard Lopate‘s general comically grumpiness.

A recent exception is our participation all week in a new project from Note to Self—WNYC’s “tech show about being human”. The project, titled Infomagical, aims to help participants combat information overload in this age of non-stop everything and we have to say, it’s been pretty great. Like many, we’re not always the best at stepping back and examining what we’re doing and why, we’re more the tackle-massive-to-do-lists-and-say-yes-to-everything-even-if-it-means-collapsing-in-a-pile-of-emotional-exhaustion-every-day types. So this project—comprising interactive, largely text-based daily exercises—has been both enlightening and (honestly, no drama) potentially life-changing.

As they put it: “For the week of February 1-5, Note to Self will issue a daily challenge—a task designed to cut through the information overload and help you think more clearly.”

You sign up, chose a personal goal for the whole thing (i.e. – be more creative, spend more time with family, et cetera) and set off on your stress-shedding, life-streamlining adventure. We won’t give the whole thing away, but we highly recommend it.

Clearly, the week’s over now and they actually capped participation earlier this week, but NtS also recently announced that they’ll be doing the whole thing again next Monday. So head over and sign up at Note to Self’s Infomagical site now! You won’t regret it.

Now stop staring at a screen and go hug a dog on the street or something.

Cool graphic via Note to Self; below, my newly Zen-ed out iPhone screen.
