I wrote semi-recently about the always amazing Björk on the sister retrospective music journal we do with Pel, Forgotten Favorite. It was on the occasion of the entirety of her new album, Vulnicura, being leaked online. When this happened to Madonna last year, she smashed an iPad and posted a photo of it on Instagram saying something along the lines of ‘This is how I feel right now’. And yes, I do follow Madonna on Instagram.

Björk’s response—Fuck it. I’ll just release the whole thing now then. Outta nowhere, we all had a new Björk album.

I’m sure Björk may well have had her smashing-things moment, but that’s a pretty baller move.

I’ll be honest, I have yet to get the album—I’m waiting for the vinyl‘s March 23rd release—but what I’ve heard is great, not only just because I love most everything Björk does but because it seems to be stating her beautifully between her most commercial, traditionally pleasing music and her experimental quirkiness. Or to maybe put it more directly, she’s getting good and taking that experimental quirkiness and crafting it into something most of us just recognize as uniquely beautiful songs.

This week, she released a video for one of the album’s more standout tracks, “Lionsong”, keeping all visual experimental quirkiness intact.


Or maybe keep it up. Then this happens: