I Break Horses • Winter Beats
Reader, let us tell you something—We were right in the middle of posting on our Band of the Week yesterday when, wouldn’t you know it, an earthquake struck the east coast. Now, you west-coasters have been enjoying a guffaw or two at our expense here on the east coast, but for real, guys. It was pretty crazy. I mean, we personally did not feel a thing, technically, but just the immediate pandemonium that hit once we were told that we had been through an earthquake was nuts. We’re already working on our “I SURVIVED THE EAST COAST QUAKE OF 2011” t-shirts. And give us a break, west coast—we are SO not used to this kinda stuff over here. It’d be like if, all of a sudden, you were struck by a surge of culture and sincerity…. OH! WEST COAST BURN!

Well, our Band of the Week isn’t from either American coast, so I doubt they’d care too much about coastal playa’ hatin’, but they are causing quite the tsunami of aural excitement from coast to coast here stateside. I Break Horses is a Swedish-based duo that plays straight-up dreamy, classic shoegaze. Picking up where superb 90’s bands like My Bloody Valentine and Swallow left off, IBH plays simple-but-beautiful songs that harken back to a previous genre that many of us (myself included) miss. Their debut album, Hearts, is now out in the UK via Bella Union and should be out soon in physical form here in the states. If you’re REALLY jonesin’ to get the whole thing in the US, head over to the iTunes. Oh, and stereogum has another single from the album available for free doanload if you’re so inclined.

PS—Check out the earthquake-related devastation that hit our back yard yesterday.