Being back in New York this week for a parade of work meetings, we’ve been exposed to a number of things that are now less-than-everyday for us living in LA. We’ve  been able to spend some time with friends we haven’t seen in months; we’ve gotten to jaywalk again at long last; and—after a disarmingly pleasant weekend—New York showed her true spring self this week with torrential downpours, gale-force winds, and snow in the forecast.

We’ve also logged some significant subway time—mode of transit, not sandwich chain—allowing for one of my favorite New York pastimes, transit ad appreciation.

Having long had our fill of the ageless Dr. Z, we turned most notably to a new campaign for the National Peanut Board by Atlanta-based firm, Lawler Ballard Van Durand. They’ve tackled work for the peanut board in the past that was roughly along these lines—personal + information with a health-minded take—but these ads take everything a step further, visually, marrying the campaign’s facts, figures, and messaging with the powerfully direct photography of Chris Crisman and the elegant, movement-filled illustrations of  Wendy Hollender and Rose Pellicano.

The New York Times recently covered the campaign in detail. The author of the piece, Stuart Elliott, quoted National Peanut Board President Bob Parker:

‘Although “we’re excited about the many studies out recently about the [nutritional benefits] of peanuts and nuts,” he adds, “we feel peanuts sometimes don’t get the credit they deserve.” One goal for the new campaign is to establish peanuts as “a good source of plant-based protein,” Mr. Parker says, at a time when there is “strong interest among consumers in alternatives to animal protein.”’

You said it, Parker.

The campaign repackages the peanut as a natural, ready-to-go super-food, boasting over 30 essential vitamins + nutrients, 7 grams of plant-based protein, and claiming to be the most popular nut in the US.

Were we more prudish, we’d debate them on that last one—the peanut’s technically not a nut, it’s a legume.

To top it all off, in addition to moms on the go, stern-faced little leaguers, and kids rocking out, the campaign also features two real life peanut farmers—Charles Hardin of Georgia and Jeffrey Pope of Virginia.

What’s not to like?

Read more on the New York Times’ campaign spotlight and watch Chris Crisman’s behind-the-scenes on his photo shoots on the National Peanut Board’s blog.





