We’ve got a bit of a habit of spending time in places and falling hard for them, myself especially. If you follow our Instagram accounts (the studio’s + Katie’s personal one), it’s no secret that we fell hard for Portland, Maine. The manageable-yet-still-deep size + diversity of the city, the smell of the sea and constant call of the gulls, the prevalence of craft food + beer culture, all of it’s endearing and it was hard for us to leave today.

One last-minute find for us—curators + creators of all things imaginative, More & Co., a cozy spot in the arts district/the west end that doubles as a shop + design studio for owners Maria VetteseChristopher Ryan,Ryan Shimala & Lynsey Waite. The shop sells an assortment of home goods, apparel, kid’s clothing + toys, and bric-a-brac, some created by the owners, other not, including the shop’s Imagine Maine line.

As they put it:
“We select goods based on our love of art and design, and on our desire to keep the things in our homes to a simple, thoughtful minimum. Every product in the shop is something we already use, wear, treasure and love, or something we can’t wait to have in our own lives.”

The shop also produces a beautifully done guide to area like-minded shops, restaurants, and cafes (pictured below), a great take on something commonly but not always this well-done.

You can see more of what More has to offer and order it all via More & Co.’s Web site, but stop by if you get a chance.


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