Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Cream Cheese Filling
Martha Stewart is a crazy lady and everyone knows it. I think that’s why they’ve buried her within the Hallmark channel. To her credit, she does have excellent recipes, even if the segments themselves are often cringe-worthy. After searching online for recipes for pumpkin-based sweets, I was excited to discover that she’d had Matt Lewis from Baked bakery on her show to make Pumpkin Whoopie Pies (or “gobs” as my western PA fam calls them). Baked is the cutest little Red Hook bakery, that, unfortunately, is very non-vegan. Once I got my hands on Matt’s recipe, though, I was able to make a few no-brainer adjustments to veganize these awesome autumnal treats (pictured above).

Here’s the original recipe, and here’s your vegan cheat sheet:
eggs = Bob’s Red Mill egg replacer
butter = Fleishmann’s unsalted margarine
cream cheese = tofu spread/vegan cream cheese

Make those simple substitutions and you’ll be in pumpkin gob heaven in no time. Missed our last Vegan Thief piece? Here it is.