Hello, internet. So, this is it. The inaugural post on our inaugural blog. Yay, we finally caught on. What’s that? Who the hell are we? Very good question, internet. We’re Katie + Troy, aka, raven + crow studio, a small graphic design studio based in Brooklyn, NY that specializes in branding/logo work, print design, and illustration. In addition to trying to make the world a prettier place, we try our best to make it a better place in which to live. Most of the time, that means working for organizations and companies who share many of our values and totally kick ass. Environmental groups, animal rights groups, farm sanctuaries, sustainable businesses… the more clients we get like that, the happier we are about our work. It’s easier to justify killing yourself over a logo if you know it’s going to help a worthwhile group of people do work in which you really, really believe.

So we want this to be a space where we can talk more about the work some groups we like are doing and, in addition, talk about the things that interest us but don’t necessarily fit within the boundaries of our more client-, work-driven site. Things like animal-friendly, sustainable fashion, design and aesthetics of all sorts, music and art, and, of course, massive quantities of vegan food. We intend to keep it interesting—just in case anyone else is looking at this out there—with some regular features, products we like, recipes, et cetera. But our main goal is to have fun with this. I mean, the thing is called a blog. We can’t be too serious, can we?

So wish us luck in the wilds of the blogosphere (so shocked, by the way, that that word didn’t trigger the spell check). And stay tuned.