Vincent Moon Visits CopenhagenOne of my favorite bands, Efterklang, was recently part of an experiment involving Vincent Moon—the filmmaker largely famous for his work with La Blogotheque. A project started with the intention of finding new ways to present independent music, La Blogothequ is a French site that presents quickly-filmed, organic film of bands and musicians playing their songs live. The result is usually warm, intimate, and, in short, beautiful. With Temporary Copenhagen, Moon created a single-take, 3o minute piece in a house in Copenhagen, assembling 9 local bands and having them each play a song on the spot, with one song blending into the next. The result is a meandering, shimmering soundscape of the city and its very talented local music scene. Other than Efterklang, I only knew one other band—Slaraffenland, who is also really superb. They also have a Moon video on this same site of them playing their current album from beginning to end in locations all over Copenhagen. Definitely worth checking out when you get a chance. You can see both videos over at the Have a great one.