Yesterday was our annual field trip with the sixth grade class from the school at the bottom of our canyon, Cheremoya Avenue Elementary School.

The organization we’re part of (and on which Katie’s now a board member), the Hollywood Orchard, has hosted the soon-to-graduate classes for a fruit- and nature-centric tour up Beachwood Avenue—their backyard—for the past four years now.

We wrote a bit about it last year when we participated for the first time, but, in short, it’s a wonderful, exhausting experience entertaining and interacting with these kids for an entire day. We love it and, with any luck, they did too.

You can learn more about the Hollywood Orchard on the Orchard Web site and see a ton of photos from the trip on the Facebook page we have for the group.

Above, the craziness that is a passion fruit flower, just up from Franklin on Beachwood growing on an unassuming fence in front of someone’s house; below, a shot of Katie + me by Bridie Macdonald.
