Okay, for the sake of newcomers or any souls who’ve been graced by the absence of our life stories of late, quick recap—Katie + I have been working over the past few months to open MooShoes Los Angeles for longtime friends + clients, Erica + Sara Kubersky, who started their vegan footwear + accessory store MooShoes in NYC way back in 2001.
For anyone interested in the minutia, feel free to take a look at our original announcement back in June, complete with official press release. Here’s a succinct list of answers to anticipated questions for everyone else:
• Yes we will still be pursuing and even expanding our primary pursuit and longtime company, raven + crow studio, the Brooklyn-born, Los Angeles-based graphic design studio that excels at not being jerks;
• No, we have not, in fact, had much time to sleep, hang out with friends, or play Super Mario Brothers lately; yes, this saddens us greatly,but we believe it to be for a greater good;
• Our principal role at MooShoes Los Angeles is that of Creative Directors, so we’ve designed the space and worked with the contractor to make those ideas into real world environments, expanding the MooShoes brand we’ve worked to grow for nearly ten years now;
• Additionally, we’ve hired an awesome staff, so come by and say hi; we’ll definitely be at the store from time to time too, especially early on, so come by and give us a hi-five and/or slice of vegan pizza;
• No, we do not anticipate hosting an inordinate number of stray cats at the store—all cats should be shipped directly to the New York location;
• Yes, you do look good in those pants.
One of the tasks we took on with the new space was designing a custom wallpaper for the store featuring hand-illustrated lettering and images of animals from the wild kingdom along with a couple of our favorite companion animals—former NYC store cat Bowery + co-owner Erica Kubersky’s dog Libby.
Last week, we got a request via Instagram to make digital wallpapers for smart phones, tablets, and the like out of that wallpaper. Here, we’re kindly obliging.
Click—or right-click to download—the various icons to the right according to your desired device. These are clearly pretty iOS-/Apple-centric, but what do you want? We’re graphic designers, man.
Honestly though, they should translate decently to Windows devices too. If they don’t, drop us a line and let us know what you’ve got—we’ll make an adjusted version and let you know when it’s up.
We’re hoping to do more with the pattern down the road, so stay tuned.
And remember—MooShoes Los Angeles opens this Saturday! Come on by if you’re in the area!