I’m not saying we’re World War Z-esque Brad Pitts or anything (how cool that the protagonist in that story is a UN worker though?), but we have done a good bit of work with the United Nations over the years.
We told you a couple weeks back about the print + Web publications we created for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; even more recently, we wrapped up a longterm print project for the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund—their 2013 Annual Report.
We started in on the concept for the piece way back at the beginning of this year, working with their communications team to envision a more image-forward, streamlined publication that could more easily be digested by their audience. Meaning leaner on text content, heavier on attention-grabing photos and the visual real estate dedicated to them, and a lot more creative translation of data to understandable graphics.
You can see more accurate, less arty photos of the report in our portfolio, where you’ll also be able to find some of our other work for various UN offices.