Next on our SXSW dance card, Syracuse band Perfect Pussy.
First off, insider’s tip—if you happen to write for a Web site that covers music and plan to write about the band, I advise that you search “perfect pussy band” when looking for photos and/or information. Just an FYI.
So, the name.
For the many that immediately recoil, there’s an explanation. According to Katie Presley at NPR—”Singer Meredith Graves describes it as a projection of self-esteem; a sort of heading off at the gate for potential detractors. Even the harshest, most personal critiques aimed at Graves, her body, her story or the band have to include an aggressively pro-female signifier.”
Who can’t get behind that?
A lot of people, I’m sure, but I’m into. For me, Perfect Pussy harkens back to my love of bands like Huggy Bear + Bikini Kill, both in sound and in principle. They’re not fucking around, and that’s apparent in the name of the band and in the impact of the songs. If you want to listen to Perfect Pussy, if you want to be in the audience—virtually or physically—you have to say the name; you have to listen to the lyrics that are being thrown into your face. Perfect Pussy doesn’t do background music.
Check out their live performance of “III” below + check out their brand new track, “Driver”, to see what I’m talking about. If it’s your thing, you can buy their EP, I Have Lost All Desire for Feeling, via their Bandcamp page. Better yet, NPR’s got a First Listen of their full-length, Say Yes To Love. And it’s excellent.
The kinda crazy/awesome box set of the album—pictured to the right—is sold out already…as is, the first pressing, which had Graves’ actual blood mixed in with the vinyl; but you can order the standard, bloodless edition CD or LP (out next week) via Captured Tracks.
LA—PP’s playing the Bootleg next Wednesday. Get tickets while they’re still available.
I feel like this should end with a dick joke, but I’ve got nothing. Listen/watch below + enjoy.