Creating a color palette for a project from scratch can be challenging without a starting point—some source of inspiration.

Rather than get that inspiration from some algorithm created by design software, we’ve found that it’s often more fun and results in a more dynamic, original product to take cues from the real world, like this salad we made one day back in 2012.

Or this kind of bizarre new-made-to-look-old 8-bit video game, Shovel Knight, in which a brave and valiant knight uses his chosen weapon—a shovel—to fight hordes of evil denizens to make it to his beloved missing partner, Shield Knight.

Our friend Justin introduced us to this game when we were in New York recently and we took a quick shot of this scene of Shovel Knight resting fireside under a setting sun. We totally loved the colors chosen for this 8-bit artistry—well done Yacht Club Games.

For the record, we’re terrible at Shovel Knight. We’ll be happy going forward to continue documenting there games more aesthetically pleasing moments from afar.
