Elite Gymnastics • o m a m o r i
First off, yes, that is kind of a nast picture. Mmmmm—dude-stubble pressed against glass. But this week’s Song of the Week is anti-nast (totally calling that as a new genre). Besides making a habit of passing out on scanner beds, Minneapolis duo, Elite Gymnastics also makes a habit of creating some lovely, beat-driven, blissed out snowy beach music (aka—”anti-nast”). We first heard them over at ohmyrockness a while back and can’t stop going back fro more. Check out the Song of the Week, “o m a m o r i,” and their track “l i t t l e t h i n g s” (think something’s up with their computer’s keyboard) below. You can also grab their debut, japanese-looking full-length, Ruin, on green vinyl over at Big Cartel or the digital version on the iTunes.