Björk • Crystaline

Holy shit, Reader. We’re kinda reeling of late, recovering from our minds continually being blown and then reassembled in new and exciting ways, over the weekend by a ton of DIY BA conference awesomeness—more on that later—and now by the queen of the weirdly beautiful, Björk.  Sit back and enjoy this amazing, so-far-from-disapointing new track from her forthcoming studio album/Web art project, Biophilia (due this September). Our tip: Stick around for the break-beatingly superb ending of the song. Call us overly optimistic and good-mooded today, but we’d say it’s mind-blowing. MIND-BLOWING. Also mind-blowing, her spaced out, crazily designed site. Beautiful and understandably innovative work from m/m paris and Toronto’s Jam3, who are evidently alien robots form the future.