Reader, we need to be entirely up-front with you—we’re dragging today. We’re not 100% why— we got a decent amount of sleep this weekend, we ate all our veggies, and we even got out of town for a quick jaunt upstate a bit, but we are not your usual happy-go-lucky, we’ve-got-the-world-in-the-palm-of-our-hands selves.
Our only hypothesis is that we somehow ended up a super-creepy british party like our artist of the week did int he video below. Orlando Higginbottom AKA Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs seems to have some issues if you go by what’s happening here—super-skeezy bearded dudes in really tight 70s pants eyeing you from across the room; multiple bizarre sets of headgear; the apparent total lack of emotion…. Dude’s in need of some serious couch time.
And yet, he can write a damn fine song. The dead-pan singing, glitchy dancy music, and super-Britishness will draw immediate comparisons to Hot Chip, but I was personally rather disappointed with their last endeavor, so I welcome this strange, strange fella’s throwing of the gigantic metal pronged hat into the electro-Brit-pop ring. Bizarre it up, sir! Bizarre it up, indeed.