I’d say, in general, we’re relatively modest, un-sappy, private people when it comes to most things in life. The lion’s share of the people bothering to read this likely know us in real life, but, for the two or three of you who don’t, you should know that Katie and I—the raven and the crow, as it were—are partners in both business and, more importantly, partners in life. I’ve been lucky enough to call Katie my love for the past thirteen years—through spikey hair and bangs, crazy piercings and trying emo bands, oversized t-shirts and zero fashion sense (those last two were just me). Seven years ago today, we took the opportunity to gather as many of our dear friends and family as we could and throw the best party we could muster, all in the name of loving each other. So I hope you don’t fault me for being overly sentimental, dear reader, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of Music Monday falling on our actual wedding date and have, accordingly, posted the song Katie and I first danced to as an officially married couple—Tom Waits’ “Little Trip to Heaven”—and I’d like to take this time to dedicate to her again, seven years later. I love you, Katie. Somehow more than I did that day, though I never thought that possible.