Suck it, Edward. Wait…

Tired of hot, super-emo, kind of controlling and emotionally-abusive vampires? Us too. As is the Brooklyn Academy of Music, it would seem. The cure? Nearly two months and 33 films to celebrate the classic vampire in all it’s cinematic, anemic, photophobic glory.
BAM puts it best:

From Lugosi to the lesbian undead, Murnau to Maddin, camp-horror staple to postmodern, society-as-sickness metaphor, the vampire’s reign over popular imagination continues to seduce filmmakers over to the dark side.

Face it: There are PLENTY of days left where we’re gonna need some major movie theater air-conditioning breaks. If you’re in the NYC-area, stop by BAM for Bela Lugosi’s Dead, Vampires Live Forever from now all the way through September 30th for their tribute to all things vampiric. Our must-see? The Addicition, Septmber 29. Who knew Lili Taylor (our NEIGHBOR!) and Christopher Walken were in a campy, mid-90s, NYC-based vampire movie with a “dark hip-hop soundtrack.” What?
Wait…. What?