If you’re ANYTHING like us, you probably put things off for way too long. Example—You hear that one of your favorite living visual artists is having a show a mere subway ride away from you, and you play it all cool, Fonzie-style, leaning up against the jukebox of life, going ‘whoa,’ and ‘eyyyyy’ and snapping your fingers and letting the jocks and lame-o’s file past you to, you know, do stuff. You probably also REALLY like pistachios. Seriously. They’re so good. On the prior, we urge you to not be like us. Most specifically with regards to Japanese artist, Yoshitomo Nara‘s first major exhibition in New York, now showing through January 2 at Manhattan’s Asia Society Museum. We took our own advice on not being like us this past weekend and checked out the show and were REALLY happy we did. Not only was it our first opportunity to see his work up-close, but the exhibit is set up almost as art itself, with music and video accompanying much of the visual art, little shack-like rooms housing familiar and unfamiliar works, and even a tripped out hang-out room with a ginger-bread-looking house and pop-art-style round stages. Seriously, if you’re in NYC or will be soon, add it to the very tip-top of your list of things to do. We promise: You won’t regret it. And for those of you not in the area, the Asia Society site on the exhibition is actually really nice too and definitely worth checking out.