Alas, such awesomeness cannot last and was contained within less than a month. We wept. But we also asked, “What’s NEXT for the Lot—the glorious, food-truck-filled public plaza at W. 30th?” We said it just like that. We’re super-literal. Now: THE ANSWER—the High Line Rink, a new, outdoor roller-skating rink under the High Line. HOLLA!
We applaud the High Line for keeping things happily regressive for the summer and can’t wait to strap on our skates. If we can find them. I think they’re in a box in a closet. Mine have unicorns on them.
Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro and James Corner Field Operations, the rink will take up 8,000 square feet within The Lot, so don’t worry—you can still get your falafel on. Roller festivities begin officially Thursday—at which point admission will be waived for the first 500 visitors for the first three days of operation, courtesy of co-sponsor, UNIQLO. After that, in true NYC style, it’ll be $10 for kids, $13 for adults.
Oh, and there’ll be UNIQLO shopping kiosks! So there won’t be any tourists around or anything.