This week we have two Finds for you, Reader, both of them video-based. First, this beautiful, awe-inspiring time-lapse video of the night sky from Photographer Randy Halverson. From Halverson:

What you see is real, but you can’t see it this way with the naked eye. It is the result of thousands of 20-30 second exposures, edited together to produce the timelapse. This allows you to see the Milky Way, Aurora and other Phenonmena, in a way you wouldn’t normally see them.

In the opening “Dakotalapse” title shot, you see bands of red and green moving across the sky. After asking several Astronomers, they are possible noctilucent clouds, airglow or faint Aurora. I never got a definite answer to what it is. You can also see the red and green bands in other shots.

At :53 and 2:17 seconds into the video you see a Meteor with a Persistent Train. Which is ionizing gases, which lasted over a half hour in the cameras frame…. There is a second Meteor with a much shorter persistent train at 2:51 in the video. This one wasn’t backlit by the moon like the first, and moves out of the frame quickly.

You can read more from Halverson on his Vimeo page but just watch the video, ideally in full-screen mode. It’s outstanding.

Huelux from Randy Halverson on Vimeo.

Then, our second Find is from our friend, Meredith Bragg, who shot a pretty hilarious video for fans of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice books and the HBO series, Game of Thrones, which returns to television April 1st. Playing Martin, Bragg’s father, who does look eerily like the prolific author. Check it out below. And hats off to the senior Bragg for a superbly deadpan performance.