Following in the footsteps of the ‘official’ announcement of our new apparel line yesterday, we wanted to highlight another relatively new animal-friendly t-shirt venture based here in Los Angeles, BEETxBEET, a company with the mission to “save the planet one vegan at a time”.
I attended the vegan-food-filled, DJ-rific one year anniversary party this past Saturday and finally got a chance to meet BEETxBEET owner, Jacky Wasserman (pictured right).
As the company states on their site, “BEETxBEET creates t-shirts to spread healthy propaganda while educating the general public about conscious eating and the environmental issues surrounding food. We provide you a tool to be a sound board for the important causes that need a voice while being fashionable at the same time so you can feel empowered representing our tees where ever you go.”
We’re big fans—I picked up two of our shirts, but it was tough not to walk away from the party with all of them in tow—and think you should be too.
Visit BEETxBEET’s site to see the rest of their product range and shop directly from the company. We’re hoping to carry their shirts at MooShoes soon too.
Black + white photos via BEETxBEET.