Finally, after deciding to pull up roots in New York City and move our lives to Los Angeles in late 2013, we embarked on a total of three drives cross-country with Allister + Owen very patiently and graciously set up in the back seat of our ’92 Vovlo 240.

We took route 40 and old 66 each time, setting aside a little time along the way to see some sites—like the Painted Desert (above)—staying with friends and in hotels, eating late night Thai food + legendary burritos with all of us in bed watching reality shows when we needed to decompress with mindless TV. Most days the drives were long and arduous, but it’s still, and I think, always will be, a time we look back on with heart-felt nostalgia, exploring America and stepping into a new life together.

Allister loved the house we moved into on Glen Green Street, with its skylights and patio and wildlife all around us. It may be the place where we sadly had to let him go in the end, but it’ll remain full of happy memories for us—him outstretched under the tree on our patio with Owen; laying pressed up against the window screen as we worked outside; curled up on our couch or on Katie’s pillow, above her head as she slept.

As long as we’re in that house, it’ll remain just as much his as it is ours, saturated with memories of him in every corner. And when we inevitably move on, we’ll happily pack those memories up with everything else we bring to our next home.

We’ll miss you, Allister.

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